Vidya Swecha is 12A and 80G Approved.

About Vidya Swecha


The biggest injustice that the youth of a country can face is the inability to access education. Throughout India, both rural and urban, thousands of children are unable to access basic educational facilities due to various socio-economic reasons. VidyaSwecha aims to bridge these gaps in our society by providing free education to under-privileged children in various government schools.

We started our journey in the rural districts of Telangana where lack of educations strives to be one of the most prominent social issues. Our team of highly educated teachers competent in dealing with under-privileged children, and plethora of modern educational technology helps these children learn in a manner suitable for the 21st century.

Education provides a child the capability to dream. And to take away this dream is to ruin the life of the child as they grow into adults. VidyaSwecha translates to freedom through education. We aim to provide the social and intellectual freedom that every adult requires by educating the children of today.


We view our primary mission to be the eradication of uneducated children firstly from the state of Telangana, and further throughout the sub-continent of India. And in the process of viewing such a possibility our mission also encompasses the provision of up to date educational material, use of practical resources, and a strict non-discriminatory policy.

We also aim to train these under-privileged children in such a manner that they can go out into the world without biases and the fear of discrimination. We believe that the power of education can surely put them back on the path of life.


We believe in the children of tomorrow, hence we cater to the children of today. And while the Indian education system still tries to catch up towards fulfilling its promise of providing free education for all, we believe it is our duty as able citizens to provide a helping hand to those in need, especially the ones who are going to shape our future.

With these beliefs in mind we aim to provide educational support towards children by travelling to various government schools and providing free classes to the children.


We try to help children suffering from various social biases and inequalities which are disabling them to get the right kind of education necessary. As we have gathered from our experiences, this is usually the case with rural children from lower socio-economic classes. And hence we take the approach of travelling to such areas, setting up a connection with the local government school there, and conducting free classes for all the children within the school.

We have been carrying out this approach in various districts of the Telangana state.